Tag Archives: breakfast

Holay, Molay…

Wow. So it’s been roughly forever since a post from me, yet feast your eyes upon my unyielding display of fortitude, for I have not faltered in my 365 quest. I have a photo for each day of my absence, however lame they may be.

Fun With Photobooth
8.18.08 – 54/365 – “Fun With Photobooth”

On my flight back to Jacksonville and I, of course, left my camera in the overhead storage and, not wanting to disturb my sleepy blanket-covered seat buddy, I decided to have a little fun with Photobooth. It’s clouds. And a wing. Not too complex.

Cleveland Symphony
8.17.08 – 53/365 – “Cleveland Symphony”

*disclaimer: taken with cell phone camera due to my naive nature in thinking I wouldn’t be allowed to bring my real camera. Lame.

During my mini-vacay to my Dad’s in Cleveland we decided it would be fun to go see the symphony at their summer home at the Blossom Music Center. It’s an outside venue/amphitheater with seats under the main shell of the building and then a huge lawn where families can set up camp with blankets, chairs, and food. The program was great, the weather was sublime, and the quality of music was incredible. A traditional Pops concert, it started with the Star Spangled Banner, included some Sousa marches, a surprise performance of "Sleigh Ride", and closed with my favorite of all John Williams scores "E.T.". I was blubberly like a baby, of course, but didn’t care really. I was sitting there listening to the music realizing I was sitting on a beautiful evening, listening to make favorite music (performed live!), without a care in the world. It was such a strange thing to realize when I looked back a few years before at points in my life when a simple, happy life seemed such a distant flicker in the future and tending to look at life with a sort of grouchy, indifference because of the cards I seemed to be getting dealt. It may sound corny but that night I was proud to be a musician, an American, and exactly who and how I am.

Jimmy Magoo
8.16.08 – 52/365 – “Jimmy Magoo”

This is my cousin’s son James (otherwise known as Jimmy Magoo) playing with a racquet at my niece’s 1st birthday party. Quite the little man.

8.15.08 – 51/365 – “Untitled”

This is the bedroom in my grandmother’s house where I slept growing up. Unlike my family in Florida, my Ohio family has the luxury of being able to live with the windows open. This affords a really mesmerizing dance from the curtains that hang over every window in my grandmother’s house.

Declining-Economy Packing
8.14.08 – 50/365

Thanks to the rise in gas and everything else in America, airlines are forced to add prices to "luxuries", such as a CHECKED BAG or a PILLOW. This leaves me no choice but to travel only with carry-ons. This is a huge undertaking, mainly because I dressed based on mood and tend to pack entirely too much for the trip at hand. Even with this handy, carry-on duffel I managed to squeeze in 20 outfits for a three day weekend. Feel free to congratulate me in person.

Mystery No More
8.13.08 – 49/365 – “Mystery No More”

Clue: big huge, overly popularized television show centered on singing/screaming airing on Fox to the delight of pre-teens across the country. Read on for more tantalizing clues.

Idol Breakfast
8.12.08 – 48/365 – “Idol Breakfast”

As lame as it sounds I made a point of going out to a pre-Idol audition-pancake-breakfast with my boyfriend. With thoughts of transformational fame in mind, I wanted to make sure I could have one public, fun, PRIVATE outing with my boyfriend before any sort of outlandish publicity ensued. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think I’m amazing or worthy of such heightened attention, but neither did William Hung when he went and now he’ll never have his old life back (that I think he minds, but still). I just didn’t want to set out for the audition and come back unable to be at peace with my life if, by some miracle, I happened to fit into that niche-cookie-cutter-category they were looking for this season.

Power of the Band
8.11.08 – 47/365 – “Power of the Band”

Yes. Yours truly is auditioning for American Idol. And I purposely left the image from the actual audition without a major description to keep you in complete suspense of my results (I’m sure you were on the edge of your seat). So here it is: it was a big, fat, insincere NO THANK YOU. All in all in was a fun experience (although exhausting, very enlightening, less entertaining than educational, and very very long). Bonus points for photos of Ryan Seacrest. You can read a full review of my experience here. (link will be added tomorrow…8.19.08 )

8.10.08 – 46/365 – “Ta Da!”

So I FINALLY did it. I’ve been telling myself to get around to it and I eventually got down to it. My first tshirt design for Threadless. Unfortunately, three days later I got a "Submission Declined" email and was promptly told to add some revisions to the design (which I totally understand, since I was really doing the design purely to have the experience of formatting it to the template). But now I know. Onward tshirt, ho!

My Savior
8.9.08 – 45/365 – “My Savior”

Nothing too amazing here. Frankly, I ran out of ideas and was so pooped at the end of the day I was lying on my living room floor looking up at my fancy 13 foot ceiling/skylights and thinking "I’m so glad I have high ceilings, otherwise I’d feel even more claustrophobic than I already do." Then I realized "hey" I should probably take a picture of that.